Welcome to the CERCA microlearning site

Here you can find the self-registration form for all our microlearning activities.

All of them are for CERCA centres members and registration is only available through your corporate email.

We invite you to follow us through our profile @iCERCA on Twitter to be informed about new initiatives or on our website cerca.cat

Create user

To participate you need a registered user. If you do not have a Snackson user, fill in the form with your information.

The password must be between 8 and 12 characters and combine letters and numbers
  I accept the Privacy policy.
Sign in

If you already have a user, enter your email and password to see the list of available courses.

Institució CERCA · Via Laietana, 2, 08003 Barcelona · Tel. +34 93 552 69 31 · comunicacio@cerca.cat